Monday, November 10, 2008

I'm learnin that web 2.0 thang

Alright- so I was in the Navy and basically "at sea" from 1998-2003 and got behind on that whole internet thing.

Don't get me wrong- I've used it. I email, I shop, I've even ordered pizza on it. But all those crazy tools where you link to people and track what they're doing, or digg articles and stuff you like, or tweet about what you're doing- I'm not really up to speed.

So, I work in market communications and media relations at Texas Instruments- and to be competitive in my job, I really need to be up on the latest online trends. So here's my mission:

Step 1) start a blog
Step 2) try out every online tool- actually "Master" every online tool
Step 3) blog about it so maybe others can use what I've learned and save some time

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